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Protect all of your data exchanges and simplify communications throughout your business with military-grade encryption technologies.

Who Needs Secured Communication?

Email and the Web are the most dominant communications tools in today’s business as more and more businesses continue to use them as part of their workflow processes and mission critical applications.  As business continues down this path, the need for security intensifies. 

Because much of the information exchanged over the Web is sensitive, a comprehensive security strategy an absolute must for most organizations.  A lack of protection for both structured and unstructured data exchanges could result in damage to corporate reputation, loss of customers, penalty and litigation fees for noncompliance, and expensive remediation costs. 

Industry groups, government, companies and individuals recognize the threat and are constantly enhancing privacy standards.  The risk of exposure is too great to not be overcautious.  Individuals can have their identities stolen; corporations can lose money, reputation or customers; or government information can be acquired for malicious purposes. Because it only takes a small security breach to enable any of these catastrophes, it is critical for organizations, especially those companies that are affected by regulatory obligations, to utilize a proven and reliable security platform.

Common regulatory requirements include:

InSource’s Secured Communications suite of tools can be easily adapted and implemented to work with your systems to meet the security needs described above.  And its Software as a Service (SAAS) model ensures that all regulatory and compliance policies are being upheld in their most current form.

InSource eSolutions Are “Green”

In addition to saving money, InSource eSolutions help protect our environment. Our eSolutions reduce the amount of paper used for billing, tax reporting, office ordering and printing, conserve precious natural resources, reduce energy use, and help to keep the world in which we live and work, green.